"I agree with all the ones from the shows I've seen. Nice list."

"That was quite entertaining. I loved your thoughts on these! Wonderful list!"

"I didn't know about Liberace! My husband is a Satanist. I love how even after you explained the concept of Satanism in your list, people still commented on how stupid it is to worship the devil. LO"

"Hell, yes! This is my favorite type of music and NO ONE I KNOW listens to it!! Brilliant list!"

"It's somewhat depressing, but you're drawn to it nonetheless. Like a car wreck you're trying not to creep by to see if anyone was injured. Great job."

"What a great list! Well-researched with great pictures!"

"Wow. That was quite a thought-provoking list. Informational, yet entertaining. Wonderfully done!"

"LOL. Your opinions made me laugh so hard-even if I don't agree with all of them!! Great list!"

"Great list!!! I love that you have characters from all genres!"

"What a broad and eclectic mix! Always love to see a lot of badass ladies, myself!"

"Yeah, normally I'm not a fan of movies that make me cry. If I know it's gonna happen, I try to avoid them, actually. You've listed quite a few of my exceptions, though. ;) Great list!"

"I tried to find it, but I'm picky about having a picture and the internet is unyielding. If anyone's got a pic of the unicorn from 'Legend of the Seeker', I'll gladly add it. :)"

"Um, we must be the same age because I remember every one of these!! Takes me back..."