"I thought about adding her, but I didn't know if one episode of one show counted. They actually have a different actress playing the role in the spinoff 'Once Upon a Time in Wonderland'. Her name is"

"Carrie, directed by Dario Argento. Hahahaa! That's exactly what I thought before I noticed your comment!"

"I have to say, I saw 'Boondock Saints' on here and thought "Noooooo...." It's one of my all-time favorites, but I'm a sucker for an action flick about Irish guys who are essentially a mixture between"

"Very nice list!! It's one I'll be using as a reference, I believe."

"Hahaha! I love that they're all dark and suspenseful pictures except that one brightly-lit image of Umbridge. She was really the scariest, anyway."

"Hahaha! I thought this would be a list of BSG shows & spinoffs (since there are a few). I do this same thing, though. I see somebody I like and then suddenly I have to see what kind of acting chops"

"Batman is my hero. I love your thoughts and candid descriptions of these movies. It's very refreshing. I'm also pleased that you added animated films. Some of the ones they've been doing lately ar"

"'Sex Drive' was hilarious! You should see that one for his and Seth Green's roles. 'Gossip' is another title I'd consider. He has the girl before the story starts, but by the time we meet his chara"

"Very interesting! Nice Lee Meriwether catch on the first one, too!"

"Oh, I love your list! Supporting characters always make the movie, in my opinion. Many of my own favorite characters are supporting, as well!!"

"Very well-thought out list. I love that you gave examples of everything...I completely agree!"

"It looks like some pictures you were using aren't there anymore (I'd want to know). I thoroughly enjoyed this list! It obviously took a lot of research and you did such a great job of comparing th"

"I hate knowing what's going to happen in a thriller. It takes all the fun away. I love films like this, though!"

"You chose fantastic pictures that clearly match your title. Wonderful list!"

"Wow, everybody just tear this list apart because you didn't agree with something. Or just because it's fun to be snarky? That's original. Personally, I was curious to know what one of my favorite d"

"I think you would like the movie 'Boondock Saints' if you haven't seen it yet. It's a top-notch action flick and that's all I'll say. :)"

"1. Legend 2. Blade Runner 3. Matchstick Men"